Sunday, May 5, 2019

Explain how you would apply the law to handle this situation Essay

Explain how you would apply the law of nature to handle this situation - Essay ExampleSuch discriminations fall under the law title title of respect VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974 which deals with prohibition of discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion and field origin. It is set in volume 42 of the United States Code from section 2000e (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008).In the scenario, the three candidates were all serve to handle the position of booster manager but only whiz got the position. There were two women and one man and the man got the profession. Filing of a sex discrimination charge is not really operable the female who were two were the majority sex and the man who was the minority sex was the one who was picked for the position. The sex-based discrimination definition from the EEOC indicates that it involves treating someone unfavorably because of that persons sex but this was not the case in the scenario. persona 2000e-1 Section 702 (m) under the subt itle of impermissible consideration of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in trading practices (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008) explains that any claim of unlawful employment practice such as the one made by the two women call into questionees who are the complaining parties have to demonstrate the discrimination they claim was the motivating factor for the interview results. This is carried out in order to rule out other motivating factors that may have light-emitting diode to the interview outcome. The two women have to provide evidence that the third candidate who was a man and who got offered the art was given to it purely because he was a man and he was white. According to the scenario, he was simply offered the job because he played golf with the manager and was his friend but not because of his race or national origin as the discrimination charges indicate.Further, the company can justify the employment of the man as an assistant manager using Section 2000e-1 Section 702 (h) of the

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